Queen’s Birthday

Il castello di Windsor e le nostre aule si tingono a festa per celebrare una ricorrenza speciale: il compleanno della Regina Elisabetta che, il 21 aprile, spegnerà 96 candeline.
Queen's Birthday

Long live the Queen

Although Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21st, her official birthday is celebrated on a selected day in the United Kingdom, and most Commonwealth countries around the end of May or start of June, to coincide with a higher probability of fine weather in the Northern Hemisphere for outdoor ceremonies. In most cases, it is an official public holiday, sometimes aligning with the celebration of other events.

The sovereign‘s birthday was first officially marked in the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1748, for King George II. Since then, the date of the king or queen’s birthday has been determined throughout the British Empire, and later the Commonwealth of Nations, either by royal proclamations issued by the sovereign or by a viceroy, or by statute laws passed by the local parliament. The date of the celebration today varies as adopted by each country.

The day is marked in London by the ceremony of Trooping the Colour. This is an event in which various regiments of the British army march and honour Her Majesty in an hour-long event, which is usually televised. The words: “trooping the colour” come from the fact that each regiment had a standard or flag called a “colour” which they would hold high both before and following a battle so they could be recognized; and “Trooping”, here, means parading.

Dates of the Queen’s official birthday in:

The United Kingdom: the 2nd Saturday in June

Australia: the 2nd Monday in June

Canada: The Monday before May 25th

New Zealand: the 1st Monday in June


selected: prescelto;

outdoor: all’aperto

public holiday: festa nazionale

aligning: che coincide

sovereign: sovrano

marked: istituito

throughout: in tutto

issued: emesso/e

viceroy: viceré

statute laws: leggi statutarie

The following video shows us the celebration of Her Majesty’s 90th birthday. This gives us an idea of what could happen on her 96th birthday this year:


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