Marzo 2022 – Shrove Tuesday

Gli inglesi lo chiamano Pancake Day o Shrove Tuesday: è l'equivalente del nostro martedì grasso e quest'anno cade il 1 Marzo! Anche la Regina sembra apprezzarlo, e tu? Come festeggi questa giornata?
shenker corsi di inglese

Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, Mardi Gras and Carnival Celebrations

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent), observed in many Christian countries when churchgoers participate in confession and absolution. Related popular practices, such as indulging in food that one might give up for Lent for the upcoming forty days, are associated with Shrove Tuesday celebrations. The term Mardi Gras is French for “Fat Tuesday”, which refers to the practice of eating richer, fatty foods on the last night before Lent begins the following day. Many Christian congregations observe the day by eating pancakes or, more specifically, by holding pancake breakfasts, as well as ringing church bells to remind people to repent their sins before the start of Lent. In some Christian countries, it is a period of public celebrations called “carnival” which can include street parties, parades and pancake races.

Pancake recipe:


  • 100g plain flour
  • 30g sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 300ml milk
  • 40g butter
  • Lemon juice and sugar for topping



Shrove: proviene dalla parola arcaica “shrive” che vuol dire “assolvere”

Ash: cenere

Lent: Quaresima

absolution: assoluzione

indulging: concedersi

upcoming: prossimi venturi

fasting: digiuno

repent: pentirsi

plain: di tipo 00

pinch: pizzico


To know more about this day and the traditions connected with it, watch the following video:


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